Following are some of the questions we receive most often from parents, students, and community members. This is not a complete list of questions by any means, therefore, if your question is not answered below, please contact us. We want to hear from you.
Charter schools are independently-operated public schools. There is no charge to parents because funding comes from state tax dollars, just like a traditional public school. In addition to adhering to all of the same state and local rules and regulations, and meeting the same academic requirements as traditional public schools, charter schools have additional accountabilities. They are overseen by their charter authorizer or sponsor, as well as their school board, and are also held accountable by their parents, who can choose another school if they are not satisfied. In addition, charter schools must be non-sectarian and adhere to all state and federal educational, health and safety regulations.
As with all charter schools, we are a public school open to everyone. If there are enough seats available to accommodate all of the applications we receive, then your child is guaranteed a spot. In the event we receive more applications than available seats, we hold a public lottery to randomly select students to fill the seats. The rest of the students are placed on a waiting list, as it is likely that seats will become available. For more information see our application process.
You can enroll online by clicking here or you can call our school to speak with an administrator who will answer any questions you may have.
As with all charter schools, we are a public school open to everyone. If there are enough seats available to accommodate all of the applications we receive, then your child is guaranteed a spot. In the event we receive more applications than available seats, we hold a public lottery to randomly select students to fill the seats. The rest of the students are placed on a waiting list, as it is likely that seats will become available. For more information see our application process.
- MILWAUKEE MATH AND SCIENCE ACADEMY has a dress code policy to help create a safe and orderly environment, instill discipline, and eliminate the competition and distractions caused by varied dress styles. Students are expected to arrive in dress code every day. School faculty and staff strictly enforce the dress code.
- With every uniform code, comes the expectation of compliance by all students. The parent’s support in reminding the children of the school’s dress code is invaluable and necessary. In the event a child is out of uniform, a student will be provided with a school uniform shirt or pair of pants for the day if the school has the appropriate sizes. If this becomes habitual, consequences will be given. MILWAUKEE MATH AND SCIENCE ACADEMY requires that all students follow these additional guidelines in terms of uniform appearance and personal appearance.
Transportation is provided by MILWAUKEE MATH AND SCIENCE ACADEMY for the students who live no closer than 1 mile and no farther than 10 miles from the school facility. Early enrollment will make the routing easier. The school bus will drop students off at MMSA around 9:10/9:15 a.m. and depart from MMSA at 4:45 pm. Parents who are dropping off or picking up their students must use the back alley entrance. Parents need to be aware of street signs for the bus drop-off / pick-up area and avoid parking in the bus line on Sherman Blvd.
We are proud to offer a rigorous and challenging curriculum that has been uniquely designed to prepare our students for high academic achievement in successive schooling environments. Our goal is to graduate students who have not only had the opportunity to achieve academic excellence, but who have also acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in high school, college and beyond.
Although we focus on math, science, and technology, we teach all other subjects. We educate our students as a whole. We provide our students many opportunities beyond academics to increase their engagement in the school.
The Federal No Child Left Behind Act requires that all classroom teachers must be highly qualified. We attempt, in all cases, to employ highly qualified teachers who meet the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act. We conduct an extensive interview and background check process with all of our teachers to ensure that they meet or exceed state requirements. We believe that teachers are the most important component of a school and select our teachers through a comprehensive selection process.
We offer intramural sports programs for students of all ages, including basketball, soccer, volleyball, football.
We understand that this is a common misconception, but the truth is that parents and students choose charter schools. We are open to all students and we are proud to serve a very diverse student body.
- Our goal is to address the needs of students through a quality education program. To be effective and to fulfill this goal, we believe that students need a positive, safe, and orderly school environment in which learning can take place without disruption. It is our belief that students who do not obey the rules of good conduct are interfering with the learning process and safety of others, as well as minimizing their own opportunities to learn.
- Our goal is that students are not referred to the office for minor behavior incidents. To achieve this goal, our staff members will continuously teach and model the school-wide expectations to all students. Even with the teaching and modeling, there will be times when students have minor behavior incidents. These minor incidents will be handled by the staff member in charge of the student at that time, and will not require a referral to the office. However, students who continue to have minor behavior incidents by failing to meet the school-wide expectations or by responding negatively to behavior interventions will be referred to the school administration.

for Fall 2025!


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